Varbūt kāds māk ielikt php membership skriptu. Man nesanāk. Pie readme rakstīc
Step 1:
Update headers/database.php file with the correct information and upload extras/database.sql manually or use install.php.
Step 2:
Go to:
Membership/admin/index.php and login with:
Username: admin
Password: admin2008
Update site configuration to your specification.
Step 3:
Insure you CHMOD:
All fdaccess files (location depends on group)
TO 700, so no one can access them or place them under Public Folder (wwwrooot/public_html/etc..).
Step 4:
Implement the following files on your site:
Danalabi miniblogs
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Danalabi 13.08.2012. 10:20
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Danalabi 07.08.2012. 18:04
Man ir šāds kods
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<div id="header" style="background-color:#A4A4A4;">
<h1 style="margin-bottom:0;">Logo</h1></div>
kā var uztaisīt, ka viņš iet platāks uz leju?- 0
mad 07.08.2012. 18:07
1) tev tur dikti daudz kā trūkst
2) width un height- 0
Danalabi 07.08.2012. 18:07
Es vnk mācos
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mad 07.08.2012. 18:09
Nu tad mācies pareizi
Vismaz <html> un <body> tagus jau nu vajadzētu ielikt.
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Static 13.07.2012. 14:32
Kādā ziņā bloga kodiņu? Tā jau ir atsevišķa lapa, kur ir ne tikai HTML, bet arī PHP, CSS...