Sveiki. Kā vienam echo var pievienot 2 funkcijas? reku funkcijas
function add_smile($txt) {
//smaidinu saraksts
$smilies = array(
':D' => 'smiley-grin.png',
':)' => 'smiley.png',
':(' => 'smiley-sad.png',
';)' => 'smiley-wink.png',
';(' => 'smiley-cry.png'
//aistašana teksta
foreach ($smilies as $key => $val) {
$txt = str_replace($key, ' <img src="//'.$val.'" alt="'.$val.'" /> ', $txt);
return $txt;
function make_clickable($ret) {
$ret = ' ' . $ret;
// in testing, using arrays here was found to be faster
$ret = preg_replace_callback('#([\s>])([\w]+?://[\w\\x80-\\xff\#$%&~/.\-;:=,?@\[\]+]*)#is', '_make_url_clickable_cb', $ret);
// this one is not in an array because we need it to run last, for cleanup of accidental links within links
$ret = preg_replace("#(<a( [^>]+?>|>))<a [^>]+?>([^>]+?)</a></a>#i", "$1$3</a>", $ret);
$ret = trim($ret);
return $ret;
function _make_url_clickable_cb($matches) {
$ret = '';
$url = $matches[2];
if ( empty($url) )
return $matches[0];
// removed trailing [.,;:] from URL
if ( in_array(substr($url, -1), array('.', ',', ';', ':')) === true ) {
$ret = substr($url, -1);
$url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url)-1);
return $matches[1] . "<a href=\"$url\" target='_blank' rel=\"nofollow\">$url</a>" . $ret;
un reku mans echo kur gribu pievienot tās 2 funkcijs.
echo make_clickable('<p>
<b>' . $message->nick . '</b> @ ' . $message->created . ':<br />'
. $message->message .
funkcija make_clickable strādā, bet kā pievienot vēlvienu? (add_smile)
Fukzzs miniblogs
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Fukzzs 01.10.2012. 15:40
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