Grintals miniblogs

  • Grintals

    Kāds var palīdzēt?Šito es nesaprotu sad_mini.gif
    Write code that contains an if/else statement, just like we did in the last exercise. When your condition is true, print to the console "I am right". When it is false, print to the console "I am wrong". Make sure your statement evaluates to false so it prints out "I am wrong".
    Es mēģināju šādi,bet outputā ir "I am wrong".
    if(3 === 3)// Remember, the order and punctuation matter.
    "I am right"
    (4 < 3)
    "I am wrong"

    • S J

      T esi aizmirsis par else.

    • Grintals

      ==> "I am right"
      Oops, try again.
      You did not log to the console at all!
      Rāda ka nav pareizi :/

      • mad

        Gan jau vajag console.log() pielikt vai ko tādu. Tas ka tu vienkārši ieliec tekstu pēdiņās jau to neizvada.

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